My Account
For attendees of the face-to-face Myofascial Release CPD course
Overall course rating
What did you think of this course overall?
Strongly disliked it
Disliked it
It was OK
Liked it
Loved it!
What did you like about the course? What did you dislike about the course?
How well organised was the course?
Not at all organised
Not very organised
Somewhat organised
Very organised
Extremely well organised
How knowledgable was the presenter?
Not at all knowledgable
Not very knowledgable
Somewhat knowledgable
Very knowledgable
Extremely knowledgable
Was the course length too long, too short or about right?
Much too short
Too short
About right
Too long
Much too long
Were you happy with the venue? Can you suggest other venues or locations for future courses?
What CPD course topics would you really like to see available in the future?
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Your name for testimonial
If you're happy for these comments to be used as a testimonial please let us know your name. Otherwise all feedback will remain anonymous.
© 2018 Bower Bird CPD
[email protected]
Sydney, Australia
The Howard Dellicastelli Trust
ABN: 44 614 139 209
T/A Bower Bird CPD