
Treating Nerve Pain

Nerve pain and sensitivity can present in many ways in practice and the symptoms vary widely; from tingling, itching, burning, stinging, feeling tight, swollen, bigger or odd, sharp shooting, deep nagging ache, ants crawling and everything in between.

Treating nerve pain: Liz Howard has translated a vast body of research into an osteopathic evidence-informed approach to assessing and treating the neuro-endocrine-immune system. She utilises the current evidence from pain science, fascial research, neurodynamics and clinical trials to support traditional osteopathic treatment models.

Nerve pain triggers are often complex and multifactorial, and neural tissue involvement can be subtle in the early days, often mimicking or co-existing with simple mechanical pain. As primary healthcare practitioners, it is important to recognize and manage any neural component to your patients’ pain early to support their recovery and help prevent ongoing pain and disability.

In Nerve Pain in Practice Liz Howard has translated a vast body of research into an evidence-informed osteopathic approach to assessing and treating the neuro-endocrine-immune system. She utilises the current evidence from pain science, fascial research, neurodynamics and clinical trials to support traditional osteopathic treatment models.

Apply your palpation skills and manual therapy techniques for fascia (connective tissue) to the peripheral nervous system. Liz will guide you in this rewarding area of practice via efficient, ergonomic, and safe techniques in young, older and the most sensitive and fragile patients.

The course will feature pre-learning videos and face-to-face learning to cover;

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to

Course Details

The Nerve Pain in Practice course is suitable for therapists with no experience with indirect techniques required. It includes practical examination and treatment protocols for treating nerve pain that you will be able to use with confidence in your clinical practice.

The course will run from 8:30AM to 4PM. Places are limited to 20 attendees. It includes morning and afternoon tea, printed course notes and an e-certificate of attendance for your CPD records. The course can be counted as 7 hours CPD and will include around 1.5 hours of pre-learning videos.

About the Presenter

Liz Howard (Advanced Pain Management Osteopath) has many years of treating nerve pain in the pelvis and in general practice (peripheral nerve pain), providing her with unique clinical experience through the lens of the latest pain science.

Liz practices at the Women's Health & Research Institute of Australia, a specialist pelvic pain clinic in Sydney. She holds a Master of Science in Medicine (Pain Management) from USYD in 2013 and has over 25 years’ of experience as an osteopath, including pain education and as a clinical specialist in sacral neuromodulation.

Liz has more than 16 years’ of experience teaching at Australian universities and as a CPD provider. Her teaching experience ranges from course writing, presenting lectures and practicum in Undergraduate and Master’s Osteopathic programs (University of Western Sydney, Southern Cross University), clinical supervision of Osteopathic students (UWS, SCU, SportsMed Mumbai), to presentations at many professional associations including RANZCOG (Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology), AGES (Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy & Surgery), NSANZ (Neuromodulation Society of Australia and New Zealand), Osteopathy Australia National Conference presentation, Pregnancy Massage Australia, Pelvic Floor Seminars, GP education evenings and international allied health events, most recently in Ireland, Sweden and New Zealand.

Find out more about Liz Howard's experience treating nerve pain here.

Treat underlying issues in baby's digestive system

Colic, constipation, and reflux are common gastrointestinal issues for tiny tummies, causing distress for both babies and parents. They can lead to problems feeding and sleeping, increased crying and fussiness, and affect bonding and overall emotional health. With a comprehensive understanding of these conditions, osteopathy is perfectly placed to help alleviate discomfort and promote better function in infants.

Learn to use your palpation to assess muscle tone, the vertebral column, cranial structures and restriction in the diaphragm, thoracic spine, and abdomen. Then apply safe, gentle infant-specific osteopathic techniques to address cranial restrictions, optimize cerebrospinal fluid dynamics, and enhance vagal tone and digestive function, as well as release tension in the diaphragm, abdominal organs, and pelvic floor, and improve respiratory function.

Along with strategies to improve baby’s posture, feeding patterns, pelvic floor muscle tone and co-ordination, nerve function, cranial/cervical mobility, parasympathetic tone, and mobility and function of the intestines there is so much you can do!

This in-depth course from highly respected Italian Paediatric Osteopath Luisa Miraglia combines assessment, treatment planning, case-studies and gentle-but-effective osteopathic assessment and treatment techniques. Tiny Tummies will deliver you the knowledge and skills to support your patients and improve the health and well-being in both the short and longer term.

Techniques will be demonstrated and practiced via a combination of detailed pre-recorded videos, on fellow attendees and a planned infant clinic to end the day. The clinic is dependent on suitable parents volunteering. We will do our best facilitate this aspect of the course but for obvious reasons it cannot be guaranteed.

Learning Objectives

Course Details

Tiny Tummies is open to osteopaths of all levels of experience.  The course has a strong practical focus and includes appropriate manual therapy techniques that you can immediately use with confidence in your practice. Best efforts will be made to have infants present but this cannot be guaranteed.

Includes access to around 2 hours of pre-learning videos covering anatomy and other background topics. On the day the course will run from 8:30AM to 4PM. Places are limited to 20 attendees. It also includes morning and afternoon tea, printed course notes and an e-certificate of attendance for your CPD records. The course can be counted as 8 hours CPD.

About the Presenter

Luisa Miraglia has more than 15 years’ experience practicing as a neonatal and paediatric osteopath. She graduated from Italian College of Osteopathy in Bologna (2009) and completed a Masters in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children, Italy (OCC) (2019). Luisa has pursued further training in Europe and the United States, engaging in courses and clinical rotations collaborating with recognised leaders in the paediatric osteopathy field, including Viola Frymann, Jane Carreiro, Hollis King, Stuart Korth, Susan Turner, Nicette Sergueff, among others.

Her teaching experience in extensive, having worked as a teacher and clinical tutor at the OCC, as a paediatric osteopathy instructor at the OSCE school, as educational director and teacher for the Master's degree program in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Fulcro School of Osteopathy (Treviso), and serving as vice president of the Italian Osteopathy Association.

Luisa is very excited to be bringing her Tiny Tummies course to Australia for the first time.

Treating plagiocephaly in infants

Babies come in all shapes and sizes, but their little skulls are soft and somewhat moldable making them prone to skull deformations called plagiocephaly (or flat head syndrome).

Plagiocephaly does not affect the development of a baby’s brain, but if not treated it may change their physical appearance by causing uneven growth of their face and head. Fortunately, plagiocephaly responds well to non-surgical treatments but early diagnosis and treatment are very important.

The key to helping these infants is understanding the causes of plagiocephaly, the diagnostic criteria and techniques, and applying a whole-body approach to treatment. By utilising a combination of cranial techniques, gentle manoeuvres for cranial function, addressing musculoskeletal imbalances and considering the impact of soft tissue tension, you will be able to manage challenges and setbacks, helping promote little-ones continued cranial health and development.

This in-depth course from highly respected Italian Paediatric Osteopath Luisa Miraglia combines assessment, treatment planning, case-studies and gentle-but-effective osteopathic assessment and treatment techniques. Treating Plagiocephaly will deliver you the knowledge and skills to support your patients and improve the health and well-being in both the short and longer term.

Techniques will be demonstrated and practiced via a combination of detailed pre-recorded videos, on fellow attendees and a planned infant clinic to end the day. The clinic is dependent on suitable parents volunteering. We will do our best facilitate this aspect of the course but for obvious reasons it cannot be guaranteed.

Learning Objectives

Course Details

Treating Plagiocephaly is open to osteopaths of all levels of experience.  The course has a strong practical focus and includes appropriate manual therapy techniques that you can immediately use with confidence in your practice. Best efforts will be made to have infants present but this cannot be guaranteed.

Includes access to around 2 hours of pre-learning videos covering anatomy and other background topics. On the day the course will run from 8:30AM to 4PM. Places are limited to 20 attendees. It also includes morning and afternoon tea, printed course notes and an e-certificate of attendance for your CPD records. The course can be counted as 8 hours CPD.

About the Presenter

Luisa Miraglia has more than 15 years’ experience practicing as a neonatal and paediatric osteopath. She graduated from Italian College of Osteopathy in Bologna (2009) and completed a Masters in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children, Italy (OCC) (2019). Luisa has pursued further training in Europe and the United States, engaging in courses and clinical rotations collaborating with recognised leaders in the paediatric osteopathy field, including Viola Frymann, Jane Carreiro, Hollis King, Stuart Korth, Susan Turner, Nicette Sergueff, among others.

Her teaching experience in extensive, having worked as a teacher and clinical tutor at the OCC, as a paediatric osteopathy instructor at the OSCE school, as educational director and teacher for the Master's degree program in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Fulcro School of Osteopathy (Treviso), and serving as vice president of the Italian Osteopathy Association.

Luisa is very excited to be bringing her Treating Plagiocephaly course to Australia for the first time.

Breastfeeding support for your patients

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural process, but it is not always without challenges. From latch and suckling difficulties, to milk supply and nipple pain, many parents encounter obstacles along their breastfeeding journey that can lead to frustration and even premature weaning.

Understanding these issues and how they relate to biomechanics, the MSK system, hormones, posture, and other factors is key to supporting your patients.

With the appropriate assessment and treatment techniques for baby’s skull, cervical spine, shoulder dystocia, breathing dynamics, pelvic mechanics and more you’ll be able to help them to embrace the joy of successful breastfeeding.

This in-depth course from highly respected Italian Paediatric Osteopath Luisa Miraglia combines the anatomy and physiology of lactation with case-studies and gentle-but-effective osteopathic assessment and treatment techniques. Breastfeeding Support will deliver you the knowledge and skills to support your patients and improve the health and well-being of both parent and baby.

Techniques will be demonstrated and practiced via a combination of detailed pre-recorded videos, on fellow attendees and a planned infant clinic to end the day. The clinic is dependent on suitable parents volunteering. We will do our best facilitate this aspect of the course but for obvious reasons it cannot be guaranteed.

Learning Objectives

Course Details

Breastfeeding Support is open to osteopaths of all levels of experience.  The course has a strong practical focus and includes appropriate manual therapy techniques that you can immediately use with confidence in your practice. Best efforts will be made to have infants present but this cannot be guaranteed.

Includes access to around 2 hours of pre-learning videos covering anatomy and other background topics. On the day the course will run from 8:30AM to 4PM. Places are limited to 20 attendees. It also includes morning and afternoon tea, printed course notes and an e-certificate of attendance for your CPD records. The course can be counted as 8 hours CPD.

About the Presenter

Luisa Miraglia has more than 15 years’ experience practicing as a neonatal and paediatric osteopath. She graduated from Italian College of Osteopathy in Bologna (2009) and completed a Masters in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre for Children, Italy (OCC) (2019). Luisa has pursued further training in Europe and the United States, engaging in courses and clinical rotations collaborating with recognised leaders in the paediatric osteopathy field, including Viola Frymann, Jane Carreiro, Hollis King, Stuart Korth, Susan Turner, Nicette Sergueff, among others.

Her teaching experience in extensive, having worked as a teacher and clinical tutor at the OCC, as a paediatric osteopathy instructor at the OSCE school, as educational director and teacher for the Master's degree program in Paediatric Osteopathy at the Fulcro School of Osteopathy (Treviso), and serving as vice president of the Italian Osteopathy Association.

Luisa is very excited to be bringing her Breastfeeding Support course to Australia for the first time.

After Breast Cancer Treatment: an osteopathic approach

1 in 8 women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Thankfully the 5-year survival rate is over 90%, however as they try to move forward with their lives, they continue to deal with the long-term side effects of their treatment journey.

This treatment commonly results in significant scarring, adhesions, fibrous tissue, hard and lumpy breasts, rippled or contracted breast implants and even chronic pain. Current management is focused on exercise prescription or self-massage advice leaving a significant gap in the post-treatment care of breast cancer patients which osteopathy is well placed to help fill.

This one-day course will expand your understanding of breast cancer classification, diagnosis and treatments. You will gain an understanding of how common side effects develop based on the current research, and how to apply an osteopathic approach to help provide relief.

Course participants will leave with an understanding of the different types of breast cancer, the medical treatment these patients undertake and the impact of each of these forms of treatment on the tissues of the body. The course will explain the primary side effects these women experience and provide an osteopathic approach to caring for them during their recovery.

After Breast Cancer has a strong practical focus including treatment protocols that you can use to make a significant impact on your patients’ lives by relieving discomfort, changing distorted breasts to look and feel ‘normal’, and allowing patients to feel comfortable in their bodies again. Many of the techniques learned can be applied to and post-surgical scar.

Learning Outcomes

Theory Component

Practical Component

Course Details

After Breast Cancer treatment technique from Amanda Hannaford and Bower Bird CPD

This course is open to osteopaths of all genders.

Participants will be required to expose breast tissue to practice on each other. Breast techniques will be undertaken only with consent and with all due sensitivity. Where possible direct palpation will occur underneath draping to protect the modesty of our participants so please bring a thin, cotton singlet for this purpose as bras will need to be removed.

The course will run from 8:30AM to 4:30PM with around an 1 hour of pre-learning videos. Places are limited to 20 attendees. It also includes morning and afternoon tea and an e-certificate of attendance for your CPD records. The course can be counted as 8 hours CPD.

About the Presenter

Amanda Hannaford is an experienced osteopath who works exclusively with breast cancer patients.  She currently practices as part of the interdisciplinary team at the Northern Beaches Breast Clinic, the Mater Hospital’s Centre For Wellbeing and is the founder and director of Restore Health & Wellness in St Leonards, Sydney.

Amanda’s patients are referred by Oncology Breast Surgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists and McGrath Breast Care Nurses.  She is enthusiastic about the future of osteopathy in this field and has developed her After Breast Cancer CPD course to encourage other osteopaths to feel comfortable to care for these patients in their own practices.

Amanda has been practicing in Sydney for 20 years and has been an osteopathic university lecturer and a registration board examiner.

Find out more about Amanda Hannaford’s experience here.

Attendee Feedback

The way I've been describing it to people is, ‘sometimes you do a course and it might be good, but a bit watery. This course was juicy’!!

Amanda is such a genuinely engaging and inspiring teacher. She is warm and fun and has the life experience to back it up. I would recommend this course to anyone thinking of doing it!! I'm so excited to start helping women post breast cancer!

Roz Hill

As an osteopath and someone with a lived experience of breast cancer, I am so pleased that this course was created. I think osteopaths/manual therapists have so much to offer these patients. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in working with patients with a history of breast cancer.

Reena Murray

Loved it all! It was very useful to have the pre-learning set up as you've done it. The face to face was great and Amanda was an excellent presenter. I felt very comfortable with all the hands-on learning; thank you for creating a safe, supportive and welcoming space of learning. And the handbook is an amazing resource. Thank you so much.

Narelle Crabbe

Amanda was so great in providing a good depth of knowledge and demonstrating the immense growth she has achieved in this field. What an asset to osteopathy! I also appreciated learning about referral ideas and things doctors/GP's in this field appreciate seeing in letters to build a good referral source. As someone who has completed several women's health osteopathy courses in Australia and the UK, this course really provided entirely knew knowledge to me.


Amanda is a fantastic presenter! The course content was excellent with a great mix of practical techniques, to go along with the theory. For practitioners concerned about never providing Breast Cancer after-care to their patients, the techniques here are just as relevant to any patient undergoing wound healing post-surgery or trauma. The information I gleaned from Amanda enabled me to more deeply connect with several of my patients, who I usually treat for musculoskeletal complaints, and who have had breast cancer, and this greatly enhanced the rapport and trust that I have with them. These patients were elated and appreciative of my greater understanding of their journey. As the only male practitioner at the course I would like to thank Amanda and the rest of the course participants for being so inclusive and welcoming of me being there.

To say the material covered in this course is groundbreaking anywhere, let alone in our osteopathic practices, is a major understatement!!!

Tomas Leszczynski

Loved the presenter she was engaging, personal and professionally knowledgeable - a tricky balance to strike. Really helped to discuss and explore anatomy I have pondered in clinic. Well facilitated and clinically-relevant.

Ruth Atkinson

Amanda's course is very helpful in putting a protocol together for patients recovering post breast cancer treatment as there is a gap and a lack of understanding currently in both the medical industry and also the patients are not provided with supportive information towards their healing. I walked away from this course with better understanding regarding the type of cancers, the possible treatment protocols they receive and how we as osteopaths can assist these patients in their recovery. Thank you Amanda

Ilona Wagner

I loved the presenter, the topic, the approach, and techniques. I was able to take the techniques straight back to clinic and everything she described was what I felt and how the consult proceeded. From the patient crying and the location and feel of the scarring to the change in the tissues and her tummy rumbling.

Amanda Viedma-Dodd

Loved the topic. Amanda was a great presenter and it was a real pleasure to learn from her and learn more about her work and her unique perspective on osteopathy and breast cancer care.

I felt really inspired.

Kate Henderson

I loved everything about it. It was very informative and easy to comprehend and follow along with. Everything felt relevant and was presented in an enjoyable way. I left feeling like I knew so much more than I did before the course and like I could implement a lot of what I learnt straight away.


The course was fantastic. Amanda has done a beautiful job in collating relevant information and giving a well rounded approach to breast care. She was so generous with her resources, her experience and equipping us with skills to be able to make a difference for breast cancer and breast augmentation patients.

Chrissy Weston

© 2018 Bower Bird CPD
[email protected]
 | Sydney, Australia
The Howard Dellicastelli Trust
ABN: 44 614 139 209
T/A Bower Bird CPD